
Silk Headband

What do you use to hold your hair back to wash your face? Have you ever had a perfect blowout then washed your face and your hair was suddenly ruined by either funky band marks or wet pieces of hair? Eeeek, such a bummer and its happened to me numerous times. How do I prevent it?

Well, silk is a girls best friend when it comes to hair and face beauty preservation and perfection! Step #1, if you’re not yet using a silk pillow case, you need to start using one pronto! Click here for details to see more about the pillowcase I use.  The silk pillow case cuts back on wrinkles, gets ride of any chance of those pesky sheet marks on your face and also has major hair benefits (no dents or kinks in your hair when you wake up in the morning).

This silk headband works the same way! It keep all of your hair back while preventing dents and kinks! Use this headband while washing your face, applying a face mask or your daily face cream routine. All of these little steps I take help cut down my bathroom time in the morning which allows me to have that extra cup of joe in the morning before the kids wake up! 

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