
A White Workout Look

Remember all of those new years resolution that you made!? I am guessing at least one of them has to do with the gym!? Ha .. I know, I know, I am with you. You know what helps me get motivated!? A fun and trendy look to wear to the gym! Yup! These cool 3 panel leggings are sure to turn heads at the gym and I am willing to bet someone asks will ask you where you bought them! Now that’s a good feeling!

Last week I was in a yoga class and could hardly concentrate on my downward dog because all I found myself thinking about was how cute the girl in from of me looked! Ha! When I got home I started to browse the web for fun workout gear and found these super cute leggings from Nordstrom! Now that I have some new outfits for working out, the infrared light that goes on in the middle of class isn’t the only thing lighting up! I light up inside and out because looking good means feeling good.

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